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Amazon's 'just walk out' checkout tech was powered by 1,000 Indian workers

E-commerce giant Amazon's "Just Walk Out" technology allowed customers to bypass traditional checkouts at its stores, and the company relied on 1,000 Indian human workers to do the job manually, according to a report in Business Insider. As many as 1,000 workers in India were tasked with reviewing what customers picked up, and ultimately walked out with from Amazon's "Just Walk Out"-enabled stores. The company said that the technology was driven entirely by computer vision, However, a significant portion of "Just Walk Out" sales required manual review by the team in India. In 2022, the report said that 700 out of every 1,000 "Just Walk Out" transactions were verified by these workers. Following this, an Amazon spokesperson said that the India-based team only assisted in training the model used for "Just Walk Out".