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Raveendran raised debt to pay March salaries of Byju's employees

Edtech firm Think and Learn, owner of Byju's brand, credited partial salaries of employees for the month of March, according to sources. Byju Raveendran, the Founder and CEO of Think and Learn, has raised debt in his personal capacity to pay the salaries of employees for March.Byju's salary expenses for partial payouts is estimated to be in the range of Rs 25-30 crore. The salary was credited on Saturday, April 20, in the account of employees. According to the source, the amount paid is between 50-100 per cent of salary. "Byju raised more personal debt to pay salaries this month. While the rights issue money is still blocked by the foreign investors, " a source said."Byju raised more personal debt to pay salaries this month. While the rights issue money is still blocked by the foreign investors, " a source said.