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Centre allows power exporters to sell their electricity back in India

The Ministry of Power has amended a key regulation, enabling power plants that supply electricity to neighbouring countries to sell their output back in India if they encounter difficulties in the foreign markets. This move comes in the wake of ongoing unrest in Bangladesh and is expected to benefit Adani Power, which is currently the sole “exclusive” electricity provider to India’s eastern neighbour. The ministry has modified the guidelines for the “import/export (cross-border) of electricity, 2018”, revising the rules governing Indian power generation stations that export electricity exclusively to neighbouring countries. “The Government of India may permit connection of such generating station to the Indian grid (inter-state or intra-state) to facilitate sale of power within India in case of sustained non-scheduling of full or part capacity or default notice issued by the generator for any default including delayed payment under the power purchase agreement (PPA),” stated the notice issued on Monday.