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Snapchat announces new safety features with a focus on teenage users

Social media platform Snapchat has announced a few additional safety features, including improved blocking capabilities, simplified location-sharing, enhanced friending protections, and expanded in-chat warnings, aimed at improving online safety for teenage users on the platform across the globe. The company on Tuesday introduced the features on the platform with the aim of making it difficult for strangers to contact people randomly.“Snapchat has always been a unique space where you can truly be yourself and connect with your real friends. Young people across India love spending time on our platform, and we are dedicated to making it a safe and positive place for everyone, especially teens. Our newest safety features are all about supporting genuine friendships, empowering teens to make smart choices, and ensuring that every Snapchatter feels secure and confident while using our app,” said Uthara Ganesh, head of public policy for South Asia, Snapchat.